Make Before Break
A podcast about doing meaningful work.
Episode 21: The One About Stream Decks
February 20th, 2020 | Season 2 | 42 mins 5 secs
Frank and Angelo discuss the daily diary of small steps, Angelo's return to Swift, the value of guidance when learning complex things, and Frank's new Stream Deck.
Episode 20: Digital Hoarders, Unite!
January 31st, 2020 | Season 2 | 32 mins 19 secs
Frank and Angelo discuss the weird ways that software creates breadcrumbs of your life, and the idea of digital hoarding.
Episode 19: Do The Evernotion
January 27th, 2020 | Season 2 | 48 mins 33 secs
Frank and Angelo discuss backpacks, pulling stuff out of OmniFocus, and returning to Evernote, Notion, and good ol' textfiles.
Episode 18: Goooooaaaaal(s)
December 30th, 2019 | Season 2 | 39 mins 58 secs
Following up on last episode's discussion of annual retrospectives, Frank and Angelo think about setting SMART goals for 2020.
Episode 17: Retrospecting, Annually
December 11th, 2019 | Season 2 | 40 mins 49 secs
Frank and Angelo discuss annual retrospectives — why they're valuable, how they prepare, and what their process is.
Episode 16: An Escape Key for the Masses
December 7th, 2019 | Season 2 | 42 mins 47 secs
apple, development, gtd, ios, macos, planning, productivity, self-care, software, tools
Frank and Angelo discuss workshops, releasing a thing to the world, Drafts, and the 16-inch MacBook Pro.
Episode 15: Books Are A Waste Of Time
November 6th, 2019 | Season 2 | 54 mins 5 secs
Frank and Angelo discuss a variety of things that are on their minds, including Hey Siri, activity rings, AirPods Pro, open source task management, and why books are a waste of time.
Episode 14: Released to Production
October 24th, 2019 | Season 2 | 40 mins 19 secs
Frank talks to Angelo about how big changes help shake out your priorities, creating better travel systems, and why he finally decided to get his first iPhone case after 7 years.
Episode 13: Tabula Rasa
September 12th, 2019 | Season 2 | 48 mins 32 secs
Frank and Angelo discuss attention audits, clearing the decks, and shorthand.
Episode 12: Potato Farmers
August 28th, 2019 | Season 2 | 52 mins 2 secs
Frank and Angelo discuss introspection, notifications, and giving it all up to become potato farmers.
Episode 11: Only the Sith deal in absolutes
July 24th, 2019 | Season 2 | 38 mins 25 secs
We're back with season 2 of Make Before Break! In this episode, Frank and Angelo chat about how they're rebooting the show, and revisit their progress since the last episode aired over two months ago.
Concrete Change Examples
April 22nd, 2019 | Season 1 | 48 mins 58 secs
Frank and Angelo discuss examples of what they've changed in the way they work and how it's worked out for them.